Our Mission

It takes hard work, luck and patience to build great companies. There is also no substitute for time. It takes time for markets to emerge, for companies to mature, and for people to develop.

We are also committed to a culture of integrity, entrepreneurship, and achievement. We take pride in our reputation and believe in the power of people engaged and freed of unnecessary constraints.

Only by engaging the hearts and minds of our people can we fully achieve our goals. The constraints of inadequate leadership, unclear mission, ineffective communication, misaligned interests and lack of mutual respect are hazards to our success. In pursuit of our goals we will conduct ourselves in accordance with the following mission statement.


We will always provide the highest level of service with integrity.
Innovation is requisite to our survival in a changing world.
We will routinely measure our performance to ensure the attainment of our objectives.
We pledge to always communicate with our employees, partners, and vendors clearly and frequently.
Our vendors and business partners must share our vision, ethics, and commitment to quality.
We will strive to give something meaningful back to the communities in which we live and work.